Physiolab and Compex
AC (Age 36)
On 17th July 2018, I underwent a distal femoral osteotomy due to arthritis in the lateral compartment of my knee. Post-op, within an hour of coming round from the anaesthetic, I was using my compex on the ‘muscle pain’ setting to stimulate my quad. I used this religiously x3 times a day post surgery for the first fortnight. In addition, I also hired a ‘Physiolab’. This had a profound effect in reducing pain and swelling; in fact I was able to stop taking painkillers 48 hours after surgery due to the 'Physiolabs' intervention. By Day 3, I was able to flex my knee 90 degrees due to the reduction of swelling. By the end of the first fortnight, there was very little muscle wastage due to the combination of the physiolab and compex. After a fortnight, I began to use the muscle atrophy setting on the compex to start building my quad. I began working at 45 degrees building up to 90 degrees. I did at least x 4 sessions of this per day.
4 1/2 months post surgery I ran my first pain-free 5km in years & I am now incredibly mobile and virtually pain free.
A great deal of this is down to my excellent surgeon and physio but I genuinely feel my recovery would have been a lot slower had I not used both the Physiolab and Compex post-operatively. A winning combination!’
JM (Age 20)
"The S1 really helped to reduce my swelling and increase my range of motion. I started using it soon after my operation and it was really easy to use - you literally just pop the ice in, select the therapy you want and you’re good to go. The therapy packs reach around the whole of your knee and the compression makes all the difference."
I underwent a full ACL (Anterior Crucial Ligament) reconstruction after injuring my knee playing football. To help with the post-operative swelling, inflammation and pain, I started using PHYSIOLAB’s S1 soon after surgery. I used it on a daily basis, setting treatments at 6°C, 25:75mmHg for 15-30 minutes at a time. Just 3 weeks after his surgery, I am pain free and have a good straight leg raise and can flex my knee over 100 degrees.
JC (Age 64)
Picture taken 2 weeks post total knee replacement. Painfree and walking without any aids. Regained 110 degrees knee bend and a very good straight leg raise.
WS (Age 42)
Sustained a Grade 2 MCL injury playing rugby. combining Physiolab and compex for his recovery . Seen 1 day after injury.
Regained full range and quads strength was superior to his uninjured side after 2 weeks.
CH (Age 71)
Having been fit and active all my life a sudden onset of sciatica last August left me in such pain , I could not sit, stand or lie without pain and exercise was definitely out! Life became pretty intolerable and painkillers a way of life. I underwent a decompression surgery of the spine followed by physiotherapy and was up and running ridiculously quickly helped enormously by the wonderful ice machine (Physiolab). It proved a great comfort the coolness keeping swelling down and the compression easing the wound. Progress was fast and effective and 4 weeks post-op feel ready for anything and have regained full movement , am totally painfree and managing over an hours walk everyday.